Fights with your S/O are inevitable. No two people will agree on every single thing 100 percent of the time. Whether it's about an inconsequential choice or something more monumental, fights aren't fun—especially if *you're* the cause of the argument.

Maybe you said something a little ruder than you meant in an spat, or didn’t call when you said you would. Possibly you canceled plans that were really important to your cutie, or forgot an anniversary. Either way, your bae is miffed.

Of course, you never want to hurt the feelings of someone you care about. All you want to do now is take back your actions or words, but unfortunately, that's just not how life works. Instead of wishing away the past, handle things head on. Here's how to mend your mistake and to make your special someone smile again.

Give them some space. 

Yes, you feel awful and want to fix the issue ASAP. But if you were in their shoes, you might feel too angry to be forgiving yet. It's possible that talking about the issue right away would only frustrate them even more and escalate to an argument, so you need to give your sweetie some space to cool off.

Apologize—and then step back again.

While, yes, you should give them some space, you also don’t want your bae thinking you just don’t care that they’re upset. The best option would be sending a text stating your apologies and that you want to talk whenever they’re ready. Don’t feel discouraged if they don’t answer. You’ll get the text whenever your cutie has had time to chill.

Explain your side—if it's appropriate.

Once you two get a chance to talk, explain your side of the story—but only do so if it's relevant and productive to the conversation. If an explanation will rehash old facts or hurt them further, drop the topic. Instead, focus on your apology. But don’t just apologize because you want everything to go back to normal. Put yourself in their shoes and consider this: Would you want several empty apologies or a single considered and heartfelt one?

Listen to his/her side, but don’t let it become mean.

You did something wrong, but there’s no reason for your sweetie to throw your mistake back in your face. That's just as unproductive as rehashing old facts. If you’re starting to feel that your S/O is being unnecessarily harsh, hit the snooze button on this convo. Be honest and say you think they are too angry to talk about this yet, and maybe wait a few days before you try again.

Show them how much you care.

Bring their favorite candy or some flowers, or maybe that book of yours they've been wanting to borrow. A gesture that you’ve been thinking about them can go a long way.

Kiss and makeup!

Once your bae has forgiven you, make sure you celebrate with a smooch! Then do something fun together—go to dinner, watch your fave show or make plans to do something special on the weekend. 

Remember this situation.

Nothing ends a relationship faster than a repeated mistake. Take their feelings to heart and remember them. If something you did really hurt your bae, you have to make sure it doesn’t happen again. 

What have you done when your cutie is angry with you? Let us know in the comments!
