Poor Natalie is completely buying into this being a men vs women season.


" (Laughs) Chicks vs. Dudes, Gordon! So, I’m so excited. I’m all about girl power. And these chicks are all bad ass. And, it’s cool to see the different demographics of winners. Maybe not ethnically, but as people we’re so different. So many different backgrounds, so many different ways of winning. I just hope we can get together, show them that the force is female, and basically wreck these boys. That would be my dream, to have a guy voted out first. You saw this last season, it boiled my blood to see them vote off Reem (Daly) instead of stupid-ass Keith (Sowell). And they were like, “Oh yeah, we’re trying to keep the tribe strong.” It’s like, “Reem is stronger than half of the dudes on your damn tribe and you keep Keith? It’s so (expletive deleted) up.” But anyway, I think the theme is all winners, chicks vs. dudes."



This cracked me up

" Even I have a connection with Parv, she interviewed Nadiya and I before San Juan del Sur. We clicked immediately because I asked her why she has such a brown name when she’s white. She told me the background story of her parents who were super Hindu and grew up in this Hindu village or something. It’s funny because I have the whitest name possible and I’m brown as hell."


Some thing tells me this would totally backfire on her

"(Laughs) Sandra…I’d win against her because people would not want to hand her a million dollars. And, I’ve seen her at Tribal Council and she’s not that impressive. I think I could rile up a jury way better than her."


On a more serious note, concussions are scary. Glad to hear she is ok.

Edited February 8, 2020 by LanceM
