SALT LAKE CITY — Santa Claus isn’t the only one getting cookies for Christmas. Thanks to a partnership between Salt Lake County mayor Jenny Wilson and the bakers at Ruby Snap, nearly 1,500 cookies will be delivered to Meals on Wheels recipients. The Salt Lake County Aging & Adult Services program provides warm meals to homebound and isolated seniors.

Wilson came up with the holiday cookie idea after helping deliver meals last month.

“It really makes you take stock of life and appreciate the little things,” said Wilson. “Meals on Wheels clients are people who have lived rich lives working and serving in our communities and now it’s our pleasure to give a little something back. We want them to know that Salt Lake County cares.”

Ruby Snap jumped at the opportunity to assist and donated the dough for the cookies.

“This is an incredible act of kindness on the part of Ruby Snap,” said Paul Leggett, Salt Lake County director of Aging & Adult Services. “Although most of us don’t have the resources to give a gift of this size, it’s a great example of how we can all pitch in to look after isolated older adults.”

Leggett added that although it’s always a good idea to check on our older neighbors and loved ones, the holidays can be particularly difficult for isolated seniors.

“A cookie, a card, a simple phone call — these are all easy ways that we can reach out and support older people all year long,” he said.
